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Starting up at home without maternity care

Starting up at home without maternity care

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Congratulations on the birth of your baby!
In this brochure we provide you with information about caring for yourself and your baby in the first hours at home.

Points of interest and advice for mother and baby for the first evening and night

The first night after giving birth can be intense. You may be tired from the birth and your baby is introduced to life outside the womb.
It takes energy to interrupt your sleep and to be patient. Try to stay as calm as possible.

Postnatal care for you

Care for the baby


Formula feeding


Your baby may feel a little nauseous due to the birth and may spit up some blood or mucus. Don't be alarmed when your child is gagging or spitting up. Turn your child onto his or her side or hold your child upright.


Change your child before every feeding and write in the chart below whether your child has urinated or pooped. Show this schedule to the maternity nurse when she comes to you. You can also keep the diaper so that the maternity nurse can take a look at it. Your child's belly button may bleed a little. If this is more than 2 centimetres in diameter on skin or clothing, please contact your midwife.


Low temperature

(below 36.5 Celsius)
Temperature between

36.5-36.8 Celsius
High temperature

(above 37.5 Celsius)
Skin to skin contact and cover the baby with a baby wrapper or baby blanket Baby hat Remove baby hat
Two hot water bottles in the bed One hot water bottle Remove one hot water bottle
Extra baby blanket Remove baby blanket
Extra clothing Remove (some) clothing
Baby hat
Important: Do not choose more than one of the above points at a time. Please check the temperature again one hour after you followed some steps.
Consult with your midwife if the temperature is still abnormal.

Save sleeping position

Who you can call if you are at home and you are worried

If you have any questions or are concerned about your own health or about your child, you can always contact your own midwife.
You should always contact your own midwife if the following applies:

To ask

If you have any questions, please ask your midwife or maternity nurse.
To make sure that you won't forget anything, write your questions down in advance.




Breast: left/right

We wish you a good night and a pleasant maternity period!

Primary care midwife and telephone number:


Foldernummer: 0957
Laatst bijgewerkt op: 13-02-2024

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