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Verloskunde- en kraamafdeling

Epidural Analgesia

Epidural Analgesia

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With epidural analgesia, the anesthesiologist places a thin tube (catheter) in the epidural space between two vertebrae. Through this tube anesthetic fluid goes around the nerve bundles in the back. The tube remains in the back to be able to administer anesthesia continuously during the dilatation and sometimes during the pushing phase.
Epidural analgesiaThe anaesthesiologist will apply the epidural. You must sit on the edge of the bed and bend forward. First you will receive a local anesthetic.

During the puncture of the epidural catheter it is important to sit still. If you have a contraction you must report this to the anaesthesiologist. He/she will apply the epidural catheter in between contractions.



Very rare

Extremely rare

Back problems are often the result of pregnancy and a long-term unusual strain or posture of the spine and are mostly not the result of epidural analgesia. A bruised feeling can be observed temporarily at the puncture site.

Foldernummer: 0435
Laatst bijgewerkt op: 28-11-2023

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